Wednesday, April 23, 2014

A Home Study Worthy Marriage

You may not be aware of what my real job is.  As an adoption caseworker, part of my job is to assess families who are wanting to adopt a child.  This is the dreaded Home Study.  It involves intense interviews, questionnaires, autobiographies and a home inspection.  These families open up their lives to me and it’s my job to assess whether they’ve dealt with their issues enough to survive all that adopting a child may bring at them.  Talk about pressure!  Of course, I don’t make this decision on my own, I just gather the information and give recommendations.  Every time I finish a home study I leave thinking it’s a good thing I was able to conceive naturally because my husband and I would never have a home study approved.  It’s amazing to me how many of these couples can honestly tell me they would not change anything about their spouse, that they hardly ever argue, and that they can’t think of any weaknesses in their marriage.  Are you kidding me?  I mean, they’re either lying or my marriage is really messed up.  Either way, this last home study I did really got me thinking and evaluating the state of my marriage.

If I’m being real honest, I would say Satan attacks at least weekly trying to convince me that I should just give up.   He tells me that if things haven’t changed after 15 years, they’re not going to change.  He tells me I’ll never be happy.  He tells me that my husband and I are too different, have too much baggage and just don’t love each other enough to ever make it work.   And you guys, each time he attacks me with these lies, I’m tempted to believe them.  I hate admitting that!  I hate that I am so easily tempted to give up on something so important. 

Thankfully, I have the Holy Spirit sending off sirens when I start to become tempted by those lies.  And thankfully, I’ve learned that when those sirens go off, I need to slow down and focus on what I know to be true.  And here’s what I know to be true:  my husband and I absolutely won’t be able to make it work on our own.  We are too sinful, too unforgiving, and too selfish.  That’s why God designed marriage with Him at the center of it.  Forgiveness doesn’t come naturally to us, but it does to God and He loves teaching us how to forgive, over and over and over.  I am absolutely incapable of overlooking my husband’s faults and loving him in spite of them.  But God helps me to see my husband through His eyes, he’s a sinner saved by grace just like me.  How can I hold that against him?  I am entirely too selfish, too prideful, and too competitive to be in a successful relationship without Christ in the middle of it. 

I truly believe this quote by John Piper from his book The Momentary Marriage.  He says, “The gospel of Christ crucified for our sins is the foundation of our lives.  Marriage exists to display it.  And when marriage breaks down, the gospel is there to forgive and heal and sustain until he comes, or until he calls.”  We sin, conflicts occur, our marriage struggles, but with God at the center of it we are able to forgive, He heals, and we move forward.  My marriage may not be home study worthy, but it is a constant example of the healing, redemptive, restoring work of Christ.  So I’ll keep moving forward, daily working at it, praying, and keeping my eyes on the only One who is capable of making something out of the mess we bring to the table.  

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way, Nicole! I always wonder if we would ever pass a home study. But by the grace of God we are choosing to love each other through the mess.
