It's been entirely too long since I've written anything. Summer is so crazy and I'm out of my routine. I'm just realizing how much I miss writing, though, and how the ideas stop coming when I'm not engaging. Kind of that "use it or lose it" thing. So here I am. I don't really have time, I definitely don't have ideas, but I'm starting.
I don't know what it is about summer that makes me lazy. I suddenly struggle to get out of bed, I leave the dishes sitting until my husband gets fed up and does them, I have no energy or motivation to clean/organize/bake/work/etc. I could redeem myself if I was having all kinds of fun with my kids but I'm not doing that, either. It's sounds ridiculous and embarrassing to me as I write it, but it is what it is. It's like it takes all my energy and focus to remain patient and kind with my kids all day every day, anything else might just push me over the edge. So I guess I'll just continue, I'll endure.
If my kids can remember their mom as patient and kind (most of the time), I guess I can let go of that dream that they'll remember me as fun, clean, organized, etc. etc. etc. I can live with that. And a sane mom is pretty important, too!